Our Community

Our students come from diverse backgrounds. What unites them is their desire to attend college.

Yleana gave Clarissa an environment to experience college life and I believe firmly influenced her ultimate decision to attend a small liberal arts university. She was always college-bound, but Yleana helped foster her strengths as well as sharpen her test taking skills, especially in math. This helped her to be an even stronger applicant when applying to schools her senior year and definitely helped her earn the full-ride to Lafayette.
— Partner organization testimonial, 2016

Population Served

Our students:

  • come from Baltimore, the greater Boston area, New York City, and Philadelphia

  • are urban youth from low-income backgrounds

  • are rising high school seniors at the time they attend our program

  • come from a $33,158 average family income for an average family size of 4

  • 95% are students of color

  • 77% are first-generation college goers

  • 31% are non-native English speakers

  • 24% are newcomers to the US

Our students are chosen because they are incredibly driven. They have identified college as an important step to reaching their future goals, and know that succeeding on the SAT® exam will help them get there. Our students frequently report becoming more open minded and accepting after meeting peers from cities hundreds of miles away from their homes. All of our students attend Yleana on a full scholarship, including transportation to the campus. Learn more about the Yleana application process.